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Bejeweled and Bedeviled Page 4

  Personally, at that moment she didn’t give a damn what he was feeling. It was what she was feeling that mattered. And a little laughter at her expense wasn’t going to deter her from getting it.

  “Hook your heel on the table.”

  An order she was eager to follow if it would help him get the job done.

  When his fingers remained unmoving, she pumped her hips in encouragement.

  He chuckled again. “I said I would give you what you want. I didn’t say it would be on your terms.” He withdrew his hand.

  She groaned.

  “There are few sights more beautiful than what I’m looking at right now. You… open, willing, waiting for me to give you pleasure. A sight I could stare at for hours. Unfortunately, our time today is too limited for such an indulgence.”

  He smiled at her little sigh of relief.

  “I suppose you think that’s a good thing. When in actuality it’s not. Making love should never be rushed. Once you learn the pleasures to be found in denial and self-control, you’ll look back and wish I hadn’t given you what you want so readily.”

  Bringing his hand up from between her legs, he lightly swiped his thumb over her bottom lip, leaving behind a hint of moisture and the musky scent of her own arousal. Kayden swiped her tongue slowly across her lips, taking great satisfaction in the way his eyes darkened as he followed its movement.

  He bent his head, retraced the path his thumb had taken with his tongue then lingered to nibble. His tongue invaded her mouth at the same time his fingers invaded her pussy.

  Her moan of pleasure passed from her mouth to his when he started a slow, steady, synchronized rhythm that set both her body and mind on the path to sweet oblivion.

  When his magical thumb came into play, circling, sliding, lubricating her throbbing clit with her own juices, it only took a handful of masterful strokes to bring her to the edge, another two to make her shatter.

  Seconds later, left unashamedly spread, panting and satiated, she thanked God her Oh God had been captured by his mouth.

  She couldn’t remember when she’d ever been brought to an orgasm so quickly. It usually took forever. More than likely it was a combination of not having had one in a very long time, the nature of the situation she’d placed herself in and her strong attraction to the man. She refused to believe any man could be that talented.

  But as she lay there in the afterglow, eyes closed, her inner muscles still fluttering around his deeply imbedded fingers, she hoped like hell he was.

  * * * * *

  Hunter was loath to take his fingers from her sweet, hot pussy, but he only had a half hour before he had to leave. Not once in the ten years he’d been meeting Simon, his best friend and fellow Dom, at their health club for their morning game of racquetball had he failed to show up on time. That he was tempted to cancel today didn’t set easy with him.

  His intuition about Kayden had been dead on target. He knew from the start she would prove to be a distraction. He just hadn’t thought she’d prove to be this much of one, this soon.

  With great reluctance, he withdrew his fingers from her moist, silky depths, took her foot off the table, grudgingly closed her legs and helped her sit straight.


  “Hmmm. Yes Sir.”

  He smiled at her dreamy expression, planted a brief, affectionate kiss on her forehead and reached across the table to snag the small black box leaning against the candelabra.

  “This is for you.” He placed it into her hand. “The reward I promised for agreeing to our arrangement.”

  She didn’t tear into it as many women would, instead studied it with a skeptical eye reserved more for a boxed snake. Locating the trailing end of the bow, she pulled until the white ribbon dropped into her lap, then peeked inside.

  His heart warmed at the appreciative breath she drew.

  “They’re beautiful.”

  Opening the lid all the way, she pulled out the white-velvet inset displaying the earrings. He took the box from her and placed it on the table.

  “Onyx and diamonds.” She turned to him. “Your birthstone.”

  “And yours.”

  “I was born in December. My birthstone is turquoise.”

  “On the modern and traditional charts, yes. On the mystical chart, it’s onyx.”

  She raised a brow. “It appears I’m not the only one who has done his research. What else have you learned about me?”

  More than you can imagine. “Most likely no more than you learned about me.”

  She gave him a cynical look before returning her rapt attention to the earrings. “These must have cost a small fortune.” She traced her fingertip over the substantial, triangular diamond embedded in a teardrop field of black onyx. “I’ve never worn anything this opulent. Are you sure you want to loan them to me? What if I lose them?”

  “Not a loan. A gift. One of many you’ll be receiving over the ensuing weeks. As far as losing them…” He shrugged. “They’re insured.”

  He could see she wanted to object. That she refrained gave him hope that she was capable of change, albeit grudgingly. A good start. Although her constant questioning of his every action would have to end soon.

  “Give them to me and I’ll help you put them on.”

  “Wouldn’t it be better to save them for a special occasion?”

  He sighed heavily. “Kayden, what were you told about obeying me?”

  “I’m sorry.” She placed the earrings in his hand. “I won’t—”

  “Too late.” He returned them to the box. “Apparently words are not enough. Stand up.”

  Grabbing her waist, he helped her to her feet. “The ruler on your desk, bring it to me.”

  She looked between him and the object requested.

  “Your hesitation just cost you two additional swats. Instead of five, you’ll get seven.”




  “Fifteen. Care to try for twenty?”

  Compressing her lips, she turned and headed for her desk. Her skirt, still hiked above her thighs, gave him a tantalizing glimpse of the firm, pale ass he was about to pinken. He was so going to enjoy this. He glanced down at his watch. Too bad he couldn’t prolong it. Stay around to savor it.

  He would next time. And there would be a next time. Of that he was sure.

  The best he could hope for now was to leave a lasting impression. Something for her to think about, give her pause before she opened that soft-lipped little mouth of hers and questioned him.

  Chapter Four

  Kayden picked up the ruler from her desk. She couldn’t believe she was going to allow Hunter to turn her over his knee and spank her. Even more astonishing was that she wasn’t all that upset about it. The spanking was a recurring topic during the infamous after-work roundtable discussions and Harley and Morgan had confessed to love having their asses paddled and dared the rest of them to try it. Kayden’s adamant “No way!” came back to haunt her. Having the opportunity to find out if spankings were as big a turn-on as her friends insisted land in her lap, or more accurately over Hunter’s, she wasn’t about to wimp out.


  Shit! Pivoting, she marched back to him.

  “When I tell you to do something, don’t think, just do it.” He held out his hand.

  The challenging glint in his eyes made her check the temptation to slap the thin, twelve-inch piece of oak into his palm. Knowing full well there’d be dire consequences should she succumb to the foolish notion, she laid it gently across his palm.

  “Thank you.” He stood, spun the chair with his free hand and resettled with knees slightly apart and feet firmly planted. “Pull your skirt up around your waist.” Not willing to risk his adding additional swats, she immediately complied.

  “I’ll instruct you in the position I prefer only this once. I will rely on your intelligence to remember. In the future, after you’ve handed me the implement of your punishment, I
will expect you to present yourself accordingly. Without complaint or hesitation. First you will kneel in front of me.”

  Kayden made a quick descent to her knees.

  “Not like that. Slowly, gracefully. Stand and try it again. You are feminine to my masculine. When you are with me, you will leave behind the trappings of the independent modern-day woman.”

  Had it been any other man who made such an archaic statement, she would have laughed. But damn it, he was the epitome of masculinity and every latent particle of femininity inside her was on high alert and anxious to please. So she stood and knelt again. With all the grace of a prima ballerina. His pleased smile was the equivalent of roses tossed at her feet.

  “Very nice.” He balanced the ruler between his hands. “Kiss it.”

  She touched her lips to the cool, impersonal piece of wood, suspecting it would be much too warm and personal in very short order.

  “Rise.” He offered his hand for balance and drew her over to the right. “Lie across my knees, palms flat on the floor and spread your legs.”

  “More,” he instructed, using the flat of the ruler on her inner thigh to guide her legs the right distance. “Comfortable?”

  Was that a trick question? Her naked ass in the air, her most private parts exposed for his intimate viewing. The man certainly had a warped sense of humor. “Yes, Hunter.”

  “Hunter is never present during punishment.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Expecting to feel the sting of the ruler, Kayden jumped when he palmed her ass. His large, warm hand covered her entire right cheek, his light squeeze sending a surge of warmth across her flesh.

  “You have a beautiful ass. Much more suited to kissing—”

  She sucked in a breath when his lips brushed her butt.

  “And nibbling—”

  Her lungs emptied it in a rush when he nipped her.

  “Than spanking.”

  She clenched her ass in anticipation of the smack. Received a chuckle instead.

  “I’d say this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you, but you know how I feel about lies. On the other hand, who will enjoy it more is up for grabs.”

  Enjoy it! Was he nuts?

  “Ow!” The first whack to the unprotected half of her ass caught her off guard.

  “Considering where we are, it might be wise to keep a tight rein on your vocal cords. Unless you desire an audience.”

  Damn. She’d almost forgotten.

  “Stay still,” he ordered, sliding his hand up to press her shoulders down.

  She braced for the second swat. It didn’t help. Jarred by the crack of wood meeting flesh, had it not been for his holding her in place, she would have arced up again.

  The next three landed in random, sharp, ass-heating succession. Not all together unpleasant.

  The next five, each harder than the last, sent a flash of heat both up her back and down her thighs. Instinctively, she closed her legs, earning her a firm whack across the back of both thighs. She immediately spread them back open.

  “Just so you know, those two don’t count. Close your legs again, I’ll add five more.”

  Sonuvabitch. “Yes, Master.”

  “How many was that?”

  How many? He expected her to keep count? “Eight. No, ten.”


  “I…I don’t know.”

  He ran a gentle hand over her ass. “I suppose we’ll have to go with eight just to be sure.” Two more connected.

  Somewhere between the thirteenth and fourteenth—she knew exactly because she was now keeping very good track—another sensation just below the threshold of pain flickered to life. Arousal. She scrunched her eyelids. Damn, it was true.

  Hunter must have sensed what she was feeling because he stopped. Hell, with the unhindered view he had of her pussy, he could probably see the effect it was having on her.

  Her assumptions were validated when he skimmed his hand over her ass and down to trail his fingers through the moisture between her dewy, plump lips. She clenched her teeth to keep from shuddering.

  “Should I stop the punishment or continue? This once, I’ll leave the decision up to you.”

  Bastard. He knew damn well she didn’t want him to stop. He just wanted her to say it.

  He flexed his finger, sliding the tip easily into her wet, aching pussy, reminding her of its presence. Not that he needed to. She was very much aware of his finger, of him, of the potential pleasure awaiting her if she told him to keep going.

  Cursing him for his smug knowledge and herself for her weakness, she said, “No, Master. Please don’t stop.”

  He never made it to twenty. Four more hard, well-placed smacks and she was rocketing over the edge, buffeted among the waves of an enormous orgasm. Were it not for the thick, solid thighs supporting her, she would have crumpled to the floor.

  Physically exhausted, struggling for breath, Kayden hung limply over his lap. How the hell this man could bring her to such an explosive orgasm so quickly without so much as the tiniest flick of her clit was downright amazing. If he was that good with a scrap of wood, she couldn’t wait to find out what he could do with the massive hard-on cutting across her diaphragm.

  Her face-down position allowing Hunter freedom of emotion, he let his mask of control slip and took a few moments to appreciate the beautiful sight her brightly striped ass presented. The emblazoned MINE he’d imprinted on her milky flesh, a temporary symbol of ownership in lieu of the real one to come later, brought a smile to his lips. How he would love to trace the letters with his finger. But didn’t dare. One feel of her warm backside would have him hauling her up and pinning her to the desk with his dick before she took her next breath. With the Herculean self-control he was known for, he avoided looking at her glistening labia as he grasped her shoulders and stood her up.

  “Give me the earrings.” Suppressing a grin at her hasty compliance, he followed her to her feet. “Turn your head.”

  Removing the small gold hoop from her ear, he replaced it with the new earring. Moving her head back the other way with a light pressure on her chin, he exchanged the other.

  She raised her hand to toy with the earring. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He pressed his lips briefly to hers. “Those were for yesterday.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out another small black box topped with a miniature white bow. “This is for today.” Pulling her hand away from her ear, he placed the gift in her palm.

  “I don’t understand. You just punished me. Now you’re rewarding me?”

  “The punishment was for what you did wrong. The reward is for today’s progress. Open it.”

  She lifted the lid. “It’s stunning.” Her hushed tones went straight to his loins. Extracting the delicate ankle bracelet from its white-velvet bed, she discarded the empty box onto the table. Suspended between her long, slender fingers, she stared admiringly at the three onyx hearts—one large, flanked by two smaller ones— linked by a delicate gold chain. A Trielle diamond, his namesake, in the center of each. The only cut of diamond that would adorn her body from this day on. Though she wasn’t aware of it yet.

  “Lean against the table and put your foot on my thigh.” Spanning her small waist, he guided her there with gentle pressure and waited patiently while she braced to keep a small distance between the table’s hard edge and her tender ass. Once she was comfortably situated, he relieved her of the jewelry and patted his thigh. “Right foot.”

  There was a flash of uncertainty in her eyes before she took her lower lip between her teeth and did as he asked. Hunter was impressed. Especially since he suspected it was more determination than a true lack of self-consciousness. It showed her grit. She would need plenty of it in the days to come. Time was not a luxury in this relationship. He would push her harder and faster than he had any other woman he’d ever trained.

  He ran his hand up the back of her leg from ankle to knee. Paused to nibble her inner thigh, savoring the telltal
e quiver of her tender flesh. Then he fastened the anklet around her trim ankle and adjusted the gems to the outside of her leg.

  “Like it?” he asked, raising his head.

  “Very much.” She twisted her leg to better see the hearts. “Thank you, Hunter.” Her lips spread into a beautiful smile.

  “Whatever jewelry I give you is for you to wear. Especially when you are with me. Some will be visible to the public.” He reached up to graze the back of his knuckles over the tops of her breasts. “Some will not.” He slipped his hand inside her bra and captured a pebbling nipple between his fingers. He squeezed until she bit her bottom lip and then released the elongated tip. “All will be for our mutual pleasure. But none will carry more meaning than the last piece I present you with. That one alone will be yours to accept or reject.”

  “What is—”

  “I’m afraid we’ve reached the conclusion of your first day of training. As it is, I left myself precious little leeway to be on time for my appointment.” Lifting her leg by the calf, he set her foot down on the outside of his and stood. Planting himself between her wide-spread thighs, he cradled her pussy in his hand and leaned in, causing her to arch back over her unfinished waffle. “Much too late to appease my growing appetite, but I find I can’t leave without helping myself to one last, delicious morsel.”

  He curled his middle finger and slid it into her wet channel for a quick, probing sampling. Sealing his lips to hers to muffle her enchanting little mewls, he used his unoccupied hand to reach behind her and pluck a strawberry off the plate.

  Breaking the kiss, he pumped his finger a few more times and, satisfied he’d stirred enough of her juices for his purpose, he replaced his finger with the tip of the strawberry. After several swivels to collect some of her body’s sweet cream, he extracted the fruit and popped it into his mouth. A few appreciative chews and it was gone.

  Intent on her face, he licked his lips. “My last instruction before I leave is that you are not to touch yourself here,” he rode his finger through her drenched pussy lips, “without my permission.”