Bejeweled and Bedeviled Read online

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  “You intend to leave me…wanting!”

  “An exercise in restraint and obedience I expect you to adhere to. Don’t disappoint me.”

  “How will you know?” she asked a bit too smugly for his liking.

  “I’ll ask. Are you prepared for the consequences should I discover you lied to me?”

  The spark of defiance in her eye faded to a dull glimmer. “No.”

  Bracketing her head gently between his hands, he kissed her forehead and then her lips. “I won’t be able to see you for the next three days because of some business matters of my own I need to clear up. I will, however, be in touch. Expect a call from my personal assistant later today to coordinate a time for you to visit the club’s private spa tomorrow for your hair removal. Any questions before I leave?”

  “None that can’t wait.”

  “If you think of any, you have my private number. As of today, I’m available to you twenty-four hours.”

  She raised a brow. “What if it’s very late? I’m something of a night owl.”

  He chucked her lightly beneath the chin. “That will change, since I’m an early riser.”

  Her brow rose even farther.

  Hunter traced the feathery arch with his thumb. “Careful, love, your control is slipping. Now I really must go.” He planted a firm goodbye kiss on her lips, and after helping her get her clothes back in order, he took his leave, fully aware of the emotional havoc he left in his wake.

  He’d wait until he was comfortably settled in his limo and on his way before he called her.

  * * * * *

  Kayden looked down at what remained of her breakfast. She distractedly trailed her finger through the mixture of strawberry juice and wilting whipped cream framing her half-eaten waffle and, sticking her finger into her mouth, sucked it clean. A mistake, she realized, when instead of taking her mind off her unsatisfied needs, it only served to remind her of another finger dragging through another set of lips, leaving behind a trail of sticky sweetness.

  She let her head fall back and moaned.

  With the hopes of diverting her thoughts, she made her way to her desk, trying to ignore the slight tackiness between her thighs. That she knew a few talented swipes of his tongue would have taken care of the problem didn’t help matters.

  No way would she make it through the day like this, especially without benefit of underwear. Deciding he couldn’t possibly have meant she couldn’t wash herself, she veered off to the small private bathroom in the corner behind her desk.

  She closed the door, flicked on the light and gave each of the brass handles on the sink a half crank. Hiking her skirt up to her waist, she soaked a washcloth and, deciding it best to start with the least sensitized areas, cleaned her inner thighs.

  She rinsed the cloth, widened her stance and, holding her breath, flattened the cloth against her aching pussy. The steamy warmth felt like heaven.

  Kayden stood that way for several moments, not daring to rub. She knew if she applied just the right pressure in just the right spot, a couple passes of the soft terrycloth over her clit would give her the release she craved.

  She closed her eyes and immersed herself in the moist, soothing heat.

  What would one little white lie actually hurt? It was her hand, her pussy.

  My pussy. Hunter’s possessive proclamation rang in her head, causing her eyes to open.

  “Not technically,” she said to the mirror image frowning at her. “It’s not as if I’m cheating on Hunter with another man.” The woman staring back didn’t look convinced. Glaring, Kayden flipped her off.

  The distinct ring of her private line filled the air.

  She started guiltily and dropped the rag. “Shit.” Tugging down her skirt, she snatched up the cloth, flung it into the sink and went to answer the phone.

  “What are you doing?” The sound of Hunter’s deep voice had the same effect as looking up and seeing flashing lights in her car’s rearview mirror. Her heart sank into her stomach.

  “At the moment, talking to you.”

  “Before that.”

  She could hear the smile in his voice. The bastard.

  “Tidying u—” Deciding word games would gain her nothing, since it was more than likely he’d been through hundreds of scenarios just like this one, she took a fortifying breath and said, “Washing myself.”

  “Just washing?”

  “Yes Sir.” She was relieved to be able to answer honestly.

  “But you were tempted to do more, weren’t you? You wanted to stuff your fingers inside your wet, neglected pussy, slide them over your throbbing clit, get yourself off?”

  Major bastard! Kayden squeezed her thighs together. “Yes Sir.”

  “What stopped you?”

  “The phone, Sir.”

  There was a long pause. “Hmmm. That does create a dilemma. I’ll have to decide which one outweighs the other—your honesty or your thwarted disobedience. I think the best thing to do is see how well you follow my instructions over the next three days and then decide.”

  Three days to agonize. That alone would be punishment enough. Patience never had been one of Kayden’s strong suits. Sighing silently, she plopped down in her chair. She shot back up on a very audible hiss and ran a tentative hand over her burning bottom.

  “The tenderness won’t last too long. A few hours at most. Don’t expect the same lighthanded consideration the next time your sweet, firm little ass is presented for my displeasure.”

  That he was so sure there would be a next time didn’t cause Kayden as much concern as the tidal wave of lust that roared up and hit her squarely between her legs. “I’ll keep that in mind, Sir.”

  “So will I, sweetheart. So will I.”

  There was a wealth of promise in his low, deep tones, laced with a sensual sinister quality that sent a hot rush of yearning through her body.

  “The next time you’re tempted to touch yourself, call me. Be lucky enough to catch me in the right mood and I just might let you get yourself off.”

  Yeah right. Like she believed that. “Yes Sir.”

  “I’ll see you in three days,” he said just before hanging up.

  She had barely enough time to digest that threat when the phone rang again.

  Her hair removal appointment was set for three o’clock the next day.

  Chapter Five

  Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Kayden let the fluffy white robe slip from her shoulders and waterfall to the heated, black-marble floor beneath her bare feet. There wasn’t a single nuance in the cozy, intimate dressing room that didn’t appeal to one’s senses. Or more accurately, one’s sensuality. Low lighting, soothing music, warm woods and some unique, exotic scent filtering through the ventilation system for supreme serenity. And it was working. Thank God!

  The woman who stood in the mirror now was a far cry from the one who’d entered the luxurious spa four hours ago.

  Who knew getting your most private hairs yanked out by the roots could be such a non-traumatic experience?

  Instead of the anticipated waxing, she got sugaring. An ancient Egyptian method used in the harems, she’d been informed by the highly trained, naked technician. All the women in the inner sanctum of the club were completely naked, with the exception of those wearing collars around their necks.

  The initial few yanks to remove her hair had shocked more than hurt, after which the technician had settled into an experienced, gentle rhythm. Once her privates were denuded, her legs were given the same treatment.

  Seduced by the soothing effects of the tea she’d been given earlier and the slow, seductive melodies pouring through her earphones, overall, it was not the traumatizing experience Kayden had expected.

  The last hour of her visit, she was treated to the most amazing massage. It was during that time something occurred to her about the women’s collars. Made of different materials ranging from leather to fine jewelry, studded with various precious gems of varied sizes and shapes, they
were all stunning. But there hadn’t been a single triangular cut gem or diamond in sight. What that meant and why it pleased her, Kayden wasn’t quite sure, and lulled into a state of supreme relaxation by the masseuse’s extremely talented fingers, she’d forgotten all about it.

  Until now.

  The mere thought of diamonds brought Hunter to the forefront of her mind. She skimmed her fingertips over the smooth surface of her mons, liking the feel and the look. It was amazing how one small change could make her feel so incredibly sexy. She couldn’t wait to feel Hunter’s hands on her. Better yet, his mouth.

  Away from the intensity of her job, with four hours of uninterrupted time to think, she’d decided to wholeheartedly throw herself into her forbidden fantasy and she couldn’t wait to start.

  Turning, she walked over to the tufted white lounger and the two gift boxes sitting there. One open—one not.

  The first had been presented when she’d arrived. She’d expected something along the lines of a bracelet to match the other two items he’d given her. This piece did indeed have two heart-shaped pieces of onyx with a triangular diamond in each center, but instead of being centered on the long, sturdy gold chain, the gems dangled from the base of two onyx cylinders crowned with rubber-tipped gold clamps. There was no doubt as to the adornment’s purpose. Her nipples tingled in anticipation.

  She’d always wondered what nipple clamps would feel like. Apparently she was going to have to wonder a bit longer. The accompanying note from Hunter specifically stated she was to bring them with her so he would put them on.

  The second box had been in the dressing room when she’d gotten back. It was too large to contain jewelry and Kayden’s curiosity had been peaked.

  The white cross-ribbons and bow attached only to the lid had made it easy to get to the surprise nestled within the ebony and white swirled tissue paper.

  A black leather thong.

  The barely there garment folded onto itself and Kayden didn’t notice the stenciled H and T in the small triangular patch that formed the front until she held it up. Centered over her freshly denuded skin, it would be a gleaming reminder of exactly who it was that now owned her pussy.

  Though it wasn’t as disturbing as the two thin leather strips that would pass through her legs and travel up the crack of her ass to connect to the thin leather waist strap. Threaded through a succession of diamond-studded onyx beads, the sizes and variations of openings between the two strips were completely adjustable. The endless possibilities of what exactly the adjustments would be used for caused Kayden’s imagination to fire along with her libido. But she doubted there was anything she could dream up that Hunter hadn’t already. Like if several beads were lined up perfectly over her clit, walking would become a whole new experience. And if positioned that way during sex—

  “Ms. Starling?”

  Startled, Kayden nearly dropped the thong. “Yes?”

  “Sorry to disturb you.” The congenial voice of Hunter’s personal assistant filtered through the door. A tall, willowy brunette, Elizabeth had greeted Kayden upon her arrival and given her a tour of the expansive spa. “Before you leave, Mr. Trielle—”

  “He’s here?” Kayden fought to keep the excitement from her voice.

  “No, Miss. He won’t be back until tomorrow. But he sent you something and I wanted to make sure you stopped by my office on your way out.”

  “I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Swallowing her disappointment, Kayden was about to drop the thong back into the box when she glimpsed the tip of yet another box beneath some dislodged tissues.

  The length of a bracelet box, but three times as thick, she had a sneaky suspicion what it contained. With equal parts apprehension and excitement, she lifted the lid to find a gleaming black onyx dildo. Intrigued by the flared base, she pulled it out for a thorough inspection. Upending it, she discovered a magnificent diamond deeply embedded in the bottom. At this rate, by the end of their time together, he’d have spent a small fortune on her. Though reported to be filthy rich, she found it hard to believe Hunter spent this much on every sub he trained. Especially one who was only temporary. So why then was he investing so much in her? Not wanting to dwell on a question she was determined not be an issue, she repacked everything, got dressed and went to see what Hunter had sent her.

  * * * * *

  Fairly certain the large, white florist box contained flowers, but learning not to second-guess Hunter, Kayden waited until she was home to open the box.

  Thank God!

  Oh there were flowers. The most magnificent red roses she’d ever seen. And not one, but four bracelets, each circling a dozen shiny green stems. But unlike the previous jewelry, their black and white theme came in the way of two-inch leather, each adorned with diamond studs and a highly polished silver ring. Kayden didn’t have to be a BDSM enthusiast to know they were used for wrist and ankle bondage. Thick swatches of Velcro for easy on and off, the sturdy restraints were a far cry from the flimsy, amateur ones found in adult store bondage kits.

  Her heart pulsed and accelerated at the thought of her splayed in sexual sacrifice, helpless and vulnerable to anything Hunter wanted to do to her. She clamped her thighs to restrain the sudden flow of her juices.

  Ironic how she’d dreaded the day when she’d turn her body over to the Master Dom and now couldn’t wait for it to get here.

  It wasn’t until she’d carefully freed the thornless stems from the restraints and transferred the flowers to two glass vases and two plastic water pitchers that she discovered the instructions and another highly intimate gift. A set of three. In graduating sizes.

  Clearly, her mouth and pussy weren’t the only orifices Hunter intended to find pleasure in.

  Chapter Six

  Yanked from sleep by Beethoven’s Fifth, Kayden threw her arm in the direction of her nightstand and snatched up her cell phone. She didn’t bother looking at the display to ID the caller. Having programmed the tune to this particular number, she knew who it was.

  “Uhmmm.” She executed a one-armed stretch. “Good morning, Hunter.”

  “Good morning, love.” The deep tones that poured through the phone reached out and gave her slumberous libido a solid shake. “You knew who it was and still answered the phone?”

  “You expected me not to?”

  “To be perfectly honest…I had some doubts. There were times when you gave the impression of not being one hundred percent invested in this endeavor. And I need you to be one hundred percent.”

  “You can stop worrying.”

  There was a long pause. “Yes, I believe I can. You sound different this morning—more confident. I’m proud of you.”

  He was proud of her? No one had ever said that to her before. Not even her mother. It wasn’t that her mom didn’t love her. Working two jobs and making sure that even if her own wardrobe was lacking, her daughter’s was up-to-date enough not to be ridiculed by classmates, her mom was too tired at the end of the day to expend any energy on emotional nurturing. That Hunter had said the words shouldn’t have mattered. The warm feeling that spiraled up from her stomach to spread through her chest said just how much it did.

  “Did you like your gifts?”

  The loaded question blew through her sappy thoughts like buckshot. Sitting up, Kayden jammed her pillow against the headboard and nestled her back into it. “They’re…interesting.”

  “Interesting! That’s all? They didn’t turn you on? Get your pussy juices flowing?”

  “A little,” she admitted tentatively.

  His deep, sexy laugh spilled through the phone. “Only a little? Not good enough. Have you ever indulged in any ass play?”

  Any lingering fatigue vanished at the blunt question. “No,” she answered, ignoring the scintillating spasm of her sphincter muscle. “I never had the desire t—” She sank her teeth into her bottom lip. Not entirely true. She’d often fantasized about what it would feel like and had considered purchasing a small butt plug while on a recent vac
ation to New Orleans. The only thing in her bag when she’d left the Bourbon Street shop was a basic seven-inch, pink plastic vibrator, a large tube of lube and an economy pack of Mardi Gras beads. The latter a waste of money, since the girls at the office didn’t believe for one second some guy had tossed them down to her from a wrought iron balcony because she’d bared her tits.

  “You’re awful quiet, Kayden. You didn’t fall asleep on me, did you?”

  No, not yet, but she was certainly hoping to. Naked, her leg thrown across his thick thigh, her ear pressed against his wide chest, enjoying the strong beat of his heart. A delicious shiver shook her body. “I’m still here. And no, I’ve never tried it because I never found anyone I trusted enough to make me want to.”

  Several moments of silence ticked by. “Do you trust me enough?”

  The answer came easily. “Yes.”

  “Good. Then are you ready?”

  “For what?”

  “Anything I ask of you?”

  “Yes, Master,” she stated adamantly, wanting him to know just how serious she was.

  “In that case, get up, hang up, leave whatever clothes you’re wearing on the bedroom floor, go to the door and buzz me in.”

  Kayden pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at it like an alien being. Hunter here? A quick scramble off the bed and peek through the white mini-blinds covering her bedroom window revealed a black limo down at the curb.


  The distant command had her plastering the phone to her ear. “Sorry. I’ll be right there.”

  Flipping her cell closed, she yanked her oversized, smiley face sleep-shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor. Doubting she’d need the unsexy garment in the foreseeable future, she kicked it under the bed and dashed into the adjoining bathroom. After a fast swish with mouthwash and a lame attempt to confine her sleep-mussed hair, she made a beeline to her front door, giddily savoring the thought that Hunter had contacted her a day earlier than he’d said.